Javascript evolution has sped up (a lot) in recent years and event the most veterans developers find it hard to keep up with the latest trends. This meetup group aims to bring you monthly bite-sized updates on the world of Javascript along with a healthy dose of nice people, beer and pizza.
We are always looking for more speakers - submit your talk here (
This group is for anyone interested in React Native, the Javascript framework that is taking over mobile development.
Whether you're a veteran RN developer or just interested in this awesome technology, join us to learn and share your own experiences.
You can watch the previous talks here ->
We aim to meet once a month and we're looking for new speakers, so don't hesitate to submit a talk through this Typeform -> (Submit talks here)
Built a cool app using React-Native for your fun or as a commercial product? Come show it to the community to get exposure and feedback! Submit your Community App here ->
The React Native London meetup is brought to you by Theodo ->
Javascript evolution has sped up (a lot) in recent years and event the most veterans developers find it hard to keep up with the latest trends. This meetup group aims to bring you monthly bite-sized updates on the world of Javascript along with a healthy dose of nice people, beer and pizza.
We are always looking for more speakers - submit your talk here (
This group is for anyone interested in React Native, the Javascript framework that is taking over mobile development.
Whether you're a veteran RN developer or just interested in this awesome technology, join us to learn and share your own experiences.
You can watch the previous talks here ->
We aim to meet once a month and we're looking for new speakers, so don't hesitate to submit a talk through this Typeform -> (Submit talks here)
Built a cool app using React-Native for your fun or as a commercial product? Come show it to the community to get exposure and feedback! Submit your Community App here ->
The React Native London meetup is brought to you by Theodo ->
Get in touch!