Guild Memberships
20 members

The official guild of the Solid community. Come in and make yourself at home.

We're always ready to discuss JavaScript ecosystem and our projects.

If you're interested in hosting your own Solid Meetup, contact us.

11 members

SolidHack is a public hackathon presented by the Solid Team and our amazing corporate sponsors: Netlify and Sentry.

This years prize pool is US$20,000 thanks to two of our generous sponsors! The competition is free to enter. You have 6 weeks to build your project and stage it for our community to review. Winners will be selected by public vote.

Join the Solid Discord #solidhack-2024 channel to ask questions and learn more.

Guild Memberships
20 members

The official guild of the Solid community. Come in and make yourself at home.

We're always ready to discuss JavaScript ecosystem and our projects.

If you're interested in hosting your own Solid Meetup, contact us.

11 members

SolidHack is a public hackathon presented by the Solid Team and our amazing corporate sponsors: Netlify and Sentry.

This years prize pool is US$20,000 thanks to two of our generous sponsors! The competition is free to enter. You have 6 weeks to build your project and stage it for our community to review. Winners will be selected by public vote.

Join the Solid Discord #solidhack-2024 channel to ask questions and learn more.



Get in touch!