My name is Nicolas and I live in Montréal, Canada 🍁
I'm a Freelance Web Developer specializing in legacy codebases. I share tips to deal with Legacy Code on my blog Understand Legacy Code. I even published a book to share my best techniques: Legacy Code: First Aid Kit ⛑
I'm the author of Abracadabra, a VS Code extension for intuitive JS/TS refactorings 🔮
You can find me in a bunch of Montréal community events 🍻
Are you struggling to organize your Elixir codebase in a way that can scale? Let me show you a suggested architecture from the book "Designing Elixir Systems with OTP". It will help you isolate the business rules from the OTP-specific parts to build applications that are more than just a Phoenix web app.
My name is Nicolas and I live in Montréal, Canada 🍁
I'm a Freelance Web Developer specializing in legacy codebases. I share tips to deal with Legacy Code on my blog Understand Legacy Code. I even published a book to share my best techniques: Legacy Code: First Aid Kit ⛑
I'm the author of Abracadabra, a VS Code extension for intuitive JS/TS refactorings 🔮
You can find me in a bunch of Montréal community events 🍻
Are you struggling to organize your Elixir codebase in a way that can scale? Let me show you a suggested architecture from the book "Designing Elixir Systems with OTP". It will help you isolate the business rules from the OTP-specific parts to build applications that are more than just a Phoenix web app.
Get in touch!