Cover Photo for Svelte Society
Primary Photo for Svelte Society

Svelte Society

We're a global community of Svelte users. Join us! It'll be fun!

1K Members
Upcoming Presentations
Using AI to launch our pure svelte blog in 10 minutes

Rowan of https://casa-platform speaks about why & how they built their recent blog section for Casa as they consider the future of SEO / GEO (generative engine optimization)

How we went from Figma design to Cursor skeleton to SvelteKit blog using markdown files in 10 minutes (of talking... it maybe took 1 hour to finalize... but we have to bait you into caring... sorry, attention economy)

Rowan is a former software engineer turned founder of Casa Platform, an AI rental-tech company that builds personal assistants for renters and for realtors to remove the boring & repetitive bullshit.

Other Presentations
Using AI to launch our pure svelte blog in 10 minutes

Rowan of https://casa-platform speaks about why & how they built their recent blog section for Casa as they consider the future of SEO / GEO (generative engine optimization)

How we went from Figma design to Cursor skeleton to SvelteKit blog using markdown files in 10 minutes (of talking... it maybe took 1 hour to finalize... but we have to bait you into caring... sorry, attention economy)

Rowan is a former software engineer turned founder of Casa Platform, an AI rental-tech company that builds personal assistants for renters and for realtors to remove the boring & repetitive bullshit.

Cover Photo for Svelte Society
Primary Photo for Svelte Society

Svelte Society

We're a global community of Svelte users. Join us! It'll be fun!

1K Members
Upcoming Presentations
Using AI to launch our pure svelte blog in 10 minutes

Rowan of https://casa-platform speaks about why & how they built their recent blog section for Casa as they consider the future of SEO / GEO (generative engine optimization)

How we went from Figma design to Cursor skeleton to SvelteKit blog using markdown files in 10 minutes (of talking... it maybe took 1 hour to finalize... but we have to bait you into caring... sorry, attention economy)

Rowan is a former software engineer turned founder of Casa Platform, an AI rental-tech company that builds personal assistants for renters and for realtors to remove the boring & repetitive bullshit.

Other Presentations
Using AI to launch our pure svelte blog in 10 minutes

Rowan of https://casa-platform speaks about why & how they built their recent blog section for Casa as they consider the future of SEO / GEO (generative engine optimization)

How we went from Figma design to Cursor skeleton to SvelteKit blog using markdown files in 10 minutes (of talking... it maybe took 1 hour to finalize... but we have to bait you into caring... sorry, attention economy)

Rowan is a former software engineer turned founder of Casa Platform, an AI rental-tech company that builds personal assistants for renters and for realtors to remove the boring & repetitive bullshit.



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